This easy Spinach Pasta recipe has a creamy garlic Parmesan sauce with simple seasonings and a hint of lemon juice. It's an easy 30-minute meal that...
A delicious chicken dish, with chicken and mushrooms, all in a creamy mustard and tarragon sauce. Easy enough for weeknights or special enough for company....
Alpine macaroni (älplermagronen or alpen macaroni) is essentially Swiss mac and cheese with potatoes. Macaroni and cubed potatoes collectively drown in...
After simmering in your slow cooker all day, the beef tips literally fall apart when you touch them! Serve over mashed potatoes for a perfect and hearty...
This tangy crockpot steak recipe is so easy to make. It makes inexpensive cuts of meat taste delicious just by using your crockpot. Your family will love...
These Lemon Garlic Roasted Chicken Legs are loaded with flavor, perfect for a super quick dinner. The best part? No bowls to wash, super fast prep all...
Bringing Ratatouille's ratatouille to your dinner table for meatless Monday! With colorful layers of fresh veggies, and garlicky tomato sauce.. this veggie...
A Louisiana classic, this easy Cajun shrimp étouffée features a velvety sauce with just a hint of spice. Serve it simply with white rice and you can...
Linguine with spinach and sun-dried tomato cream sauce takes only 30 minutes to make! This simple Italian pasta requires only ingredients! This creamy...
This is a pretty traditional rendition of the classic, although I do shell the lobster. If you want to make it with the shells, cut the tails in half and...
The best, classic easy homemade slow cooker minestrone soup recipe that's loaded with Italian flavors. Chock full of delicious beans and vegetables - it's...
Easy Grilled Pesto Chicken is a quick and easy recipe to make for dinner! Perfect to pair the chicken with a salad, make them into kabobs, or with any...
Light and delicious panko-crusted baked halibut flavored with parmesan cheese, fresh herbs and bright lemon zest. This is the perfect dish for weeknights...
PA Dutch chicken pot pie is a brothy comfort food similar to chicken noodle soup. This dish consists of delicious homemade noodle squares in slightly thickened...
20 Minute Garlic Beef and Broccoli Lo Mein has melt in your mouth tender beef with broccoli, carrots, and noodles. The sauce adds such amazing flavor to...
Delicious vegetarian lasagna recipe that uses vegetables (butternut squash, spinach), and three cheeses (Ricotta, Mozzarella, and Parmesan)! Perfect as...
This Cuban Mojo Chicken is infused with a flavorful Mojo marinade made with citrus, garlic and spices, then oven roasted until golden brown, juicy and...
A wildly popular dish in Peru, Pollo a la Brasa (Peruvian Rotisserie Chicken) is a marinated, crispy-skinned, roasted chicken taste explosion. Enjoy with...
These veggie stuffed peppers are full of colour and flavour for a satisfying vegetarian midweek meal - the perfect option if you're trying to eat less...